Introduction to Goddess Scopes BY MONISHA HOLMES, MSW
What does it mean to be touched by Leo’s Divine Masculinity? There is an ongoing debate over the semantics and virtues that characterize masculine gender expression. Despite masculinity being part of the foundation of human existence, it often prompts social controversy. Is there a Divine Masculine? What constitutes toxic masculinity? Do males exclusively embody the standard of divine masculinity? The concept of Divine Masculinity evokes both curiosity and offense because it transcends human gender expression. Much like yin and yang, where there is femininity within a person, so too is there masculinity—though the balance and flow of these energies may vary depending on external influences.
The Zodiac wheel suggests that Leo’s fixed fires represent a celestial determination to persist and shine brightly. Through the channel of Leo’s energy, Divine Masculinity is a creator, contained and grounded, like the flames of courage. By operating from a straightforward and logically driven approach, Divine Masculinity’s creative drive, inspired by astrological wisdom, passionately embraces and aligns with Leo’s energy. The interplay of femininity and masculinity manifests through earthly vessels during the creative process, and Leo’s energy encourages relentless pursuits and vigor.
Too often, divinity is dismissed as mere narcissism rather than being appreciated as an aspiration towards an enlightened or “higher” self. Should we avoid our youthful ignorance by running deeply into the dark? Instead, we should embrace our ever-living child-like wonder until we develop wisdom from experiences we felt blindfolded through. Standing firm in our power against our weakness is how we enter into a state of divinity. Embracing our divine nature allows us to become legendary, a trophy Leo’s energy discreetly works towards.
As for Divine Masculinity, perhaps there is only divinity through the theatrical performances of gender—what is bravado and machismo without a stage? With the Sun in Leo, we welcome you behind the curtain of divinity and astrology to play with Leo’s energy.
These Goddess Scopes will zoom into a particular zodiac energy each month to unearth or call upon aspects of your personality. You might think, “Well, my zodiac sign isn’t Leo,” but remember that we are never just one thing. Your existence is far from monolithic; it’s the opposite. You, divine masculine, exist as a multifaceted and complex enigma. The more you come to yourself and allow the world to see you, the more you realize that your soul is enigmatic. What may seem straightforward to most can be broken down and analyzed in its fullness by you. There is a reason why intelligent women were once called witches, just as there is a logic to your psychic paradoxes.
When we welcome delphic and esoteric knowledge into our being, we allow our minds to flow, bend, sculpt, and shape nonverbal experiences and concepts. The divine masculine is uniquely wired to accept that there is so much more to life than we can see. When we settle into our beauty, we discover that we were always allowed to be, which is our freedom.
About Leo
Defining Leo Energy: Leo is the fifth Zodiac sign in the Astrological wheel. After rolling through the domain of Cancer on the Zodiacal wheel, we enter the state of Leo’s energy. Fiery, passionate, and diligent like a rare brick oven at a Michelin-starred Italian restaurant, Leo’s fixed energy drives us to learn the importance of practice. Through tirelessly and consistently working on their craft, Leo can take what is raw and make it artisanal. Represented by the King of the Jungle, a male Lion, whatever Leo embodies becomes driven by the need to be adored and, more importantly, appreciated.

Zodiac Sign:
Season: July 23rd - August 22th
Modality: Leo is associated with the fixed modality. Following the metaphor of a brick oven pizza, that oven is not moving. As powerful and valuable as it is, the oven is impractical to move – therefore, it becomes fixed in one place. Like a brick oven, Leo’s energy becomes the most potent when planted and has years to develop.
Element: Leo is a fire sign, the second of three evolutions of fire energy. Beginning with Aries’ cardinal spark, Leo is the roaring fire that fosters stability and security. To connect with Leo Energy, take a memorable trip to the store or the World Wide Web and purchase a candle with your favorite scent. Recognize how pleasant life can be with quality and consistency as it burns.
Ruling Planet: Leo’s ruling planet is the powerhouse of our solar system. Being ruled by the Sun means that Leo’s planetary ruler is not quite a planet but an influential collection of celestial energy. At their best, Leos continuously generate, create, and recreate the subject of their interest.
Noir Kala Archetype: Governing the furnace’s flames, the Noir Kala archetype that keeps Leo’s energy contained is indeed the Empress. She knows who she is and carries herself with a sense of empowerment that can only be described as eudaemonia. She is accomplished, and all her joy is rooted in the knowledge that she is who she claims to be. With no confusion of her worth, she oversees the development and execution of her countless projects. Whereas some give up when they are met with failures, the Empress gives in to her frustrations with the knowledge that all processes come with ebbs and flows. Despite Leo’s Energy being associated with masculine energy, through a feminine vessel, Leo’s energy encourages us to hold our heads up with a sense of pride and confidence in all we are capable of. Even with an idea and a sense of purpose, the Empress is willing to dedicate herself to all she believes in.
Tapping into Leo’s Goddess Energy
Goddess Anthem: Treat Me Like Fire - LION BABE
Affirmation: “My light extends beyond me, and I respect my limits..”
Symbolic Jewelry: Solstice Ring (Price: $44 USD) & Le Soleil | Pendant Necklace (Price: $44 USD)

Leo exists to fulfill and ensure the sustainability of its mission. The Solstice Ring and Le Soleil | Pendant Necklace serve as personal reminders and statement pieces that you are committed to fulfilling your life’s purpose. These two pieces will rest against your skin as markers of your strength.
Social Practice: Leo’s energy can sometimes fall into the trap of isolation or introversion, considering that, like their celestial ruler, Leo’s energy continuously shines its rays on Earth. It gets tiring being a big deal. A wonderful social practice for Leo Energy is being around other creatives (e.g., cooking, theater, art classes, etc.) or volunteering with children.
Self-Love Ritual: Home Freshening Ritual
Materials Needed:
- Citrus peels (such as orange, lime, or grapefruit)
- 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
- 1/2 cup water
- Spray bottle
- Soak the Peels: Place the citrus peels in a jar and pour 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol over them. Allow them to soak for up to 1 day to infuse the oils.
- Dilute the Mixture: After one day, dilute the infused alcohol with 1/2 cup of water. Mix well.
- Transfer to Spray Bottle: Pour the diluted mixture into a spray bottle for easy application.
- Freshen Your Space: Spray the citrus air freshener around your home to create a refreshing and invigorating environment.
- Mindful Spraying: Take deep breaths and enjoy the natural citrus aroma as you spray. Focus on the uplifting scent and let it invigorate your senses.
Meditation and Gratitude:
- Be Present: After freshening your space, take a moment to sit or lie down in a comfortable spot. Close your eyes and focus on the present moment.
- Express Gratitude: Give thanks for the simple joys of life, the natural scents that uplift your spirit, and the care you take in creating a pleasant environment for yourself and others.
By Monisha Holmes,
Editor: Jacinthe Rioux, Noir Kāla
Photography: @maximeandhiscamera, @anihyah, ecovocateur